Calendar of Events
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CIMCC’s Native Educational Curriculum Videos Presentation
CIMCC’s Native Educational Curriculum Videos Presentation
Learn about our curriculum videos to support education from a Native perspective, educators that participate are eligible to participate in a drawing for a free field trip for their classroom.
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Native Ways of Knowing Webinar: CIMCC Native Foods Unit
Native Ways of Knowing Webinar: CIMCC Native Foods Unit
San Diego County Office of Education and California Indian Education for All are hosting a free, Native Ways of Knowing Webinar Series. K-12 educators and leaders are invited to learn from several renowned Native American professors, scholars, and changemakers. Participants will access free culturally responsive resources to improve representations and classroom climates for teaching and learning about California's first peoples. Live and interactive webinars are designed for participants to gain knowledge on supporting literacy, cultural competency, and culturally responsive instruction for Native American students. Each session will include access to free, open-source lesson plans, resources, and instructional materials. Participants will reflect on the following: Whose stories do we chose to promote? How can we design more actively-centered Native stories and experiences? How can we use children's books to broaden our community conversation about race and decolonization? What ways can schools design programs and structures to honor Native Ways of Knowing? All live, virtual webinars will be held from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. PST
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CIMCC Spring Craft Fair
CIMCC Spring Craft Fair
Join us for our spring craft fair! We will have amazing Native artists showing their work, traditional foods, and TYA project presentations.
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NorCal Native American Studies Model Curriculum Listening Session
NorCal Native American Studies Model Curriculum Listening Session
The California Native American Studies Model Curriculum (NASMC) will support the design and development of lesson plans, primary source documents, planning resources, teaching strategies, and professional development activities to assist educators in teaching about California Native American Studies. The NASMC is a statewide partnership effort funded through the California Department of Education. The Humboldt County Office of Education will host several virtual and in-person NASMC Community Engagement Listening Sessions in Northern California. Perspectives and voices of California tribal community members, Native American youth, educators, and cultural bearers will lead the development of NASMC. During NASMC Listening Sessions, participants will: • Learn about goals and potential outcomes of the NAS Model Curriculum • Discuss their hopes for the NAS Model Curriculum • Provide feedback on potential curriculum topics and current educational resources
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CIMCC Spring Craft Fair
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Or feel free to call with any Event changes/corrections: (707) 579-3004.