Staff, Interns, and Volunteers

Tribal Youth Ambassadors for Tobacco Control is staffed by a Project Director, Health Education Specialist, and Community Outreach and Engagement Coordinator.
- Christy Garcia, Project Director for Tribal Youth Ambassadors for Tobacco Control Project
- Jayden Lim, Program Specialist (Pomo)
- Kristall Vega, (Pomo), Community Outreach and Engagement Coordinator
- Cassandra Overton, Financial and Administrative Coordinator
Youth Interns
Three Native youth from the Project geographic region serve as Interns to the Project on a part-time, paid basis and help implement a wide variety of Project activities as they learn new knowledge and skills in community-based tobacco control programming. Internships are for 1 year and may be renewed annually. Interns make a commitment to the Project by entering into a learning agreement with the Project. Native youth ages 14 to 26 are welcome to apply to be Interns. Follow the link to fill out an internship application form A project staff member will follow-up with you.
People with an interest in preventing and controlling commercial tobacco use, especially in Tribal communities, are welcome to volunteer with the Project. The Ad Hoc Committees of the Project’s Advisory Committee offer various volunteer opportunities. See the Advisory Council section for more information.